Fashion Law – 2018 Year in Review
In a world that seems to have become entirely brand focused, legal issues involving fashion houses and apparel and beauty companies, are increasing in frequency and significance.
2018 bore witness to several stand out cases involving some of the world’s most recognizable brands, including Balenciaga, Converse, Gucci, Levi’s, UGG, and YSL. These noteworthy cases highlight the ramifications for designers, manufacturers, retailers, and the fashion and apparel industry at large in 2019.
And although the number of fashion-focused intellectual property, trademark infringement, and trade dress cases on dockets continues to rise, it is no surprise that some also involve a host of other legal issues, including influencer marketing and FTC issues, ADA website compliance lawsuits, and tax matters.
Join Foley & Lardner’s Trademark, Copyright & Advertising Team for a one-hour web conference on Thursday, January 31st at 11:00 am CT, as they discuss 2018’s significant fashion cases and how they may impact the industry going forward.
Topics and cases for discussion include:
- Post Star Athletica: How Other Courts Have Interpreted the Test for “Copyrightability” of Pictorial, Graphical, and Sculptural Elements of Useful Articles, Specifically Clothing
- Converse Inc. v. ITC: Trade Dress Decision
- Takeaways of Levis v. YSL: Pocket Tab Case
- The Impact of the Balenciaga Car Freshener Design Suit: Fashion Collaborations with Consumer/Non-Fashion Brands Could Give Rise to an Increased Likelihood of Confusion
- Developments in Trademark Infringement Settlements: Gucci v. Forever 21
- Tips for Preventing Against “Genericness” Claims: Deckers Outdoor Corp. v. Australian Leather Pty. Ltd., et al.
- Influencer Partnerships and FTC Guidelines Regarding Disclosure
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Accessible Websites and Compliance
- Sales Tax Collection: Wayfair v. South Dakota
For more information and to register for the web conference, please click here.
CLE Information
Foley & Lardner LLP will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley & Lardner LLP certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of 1.0 General credit hour. Foley & Lardner LLP is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. Please note that participants must log in to the web portion on the date of the event and answer the CLE polling question; credit may not be obtained by viewing and/or listening to a program recording after the event. Certificates of attendance will be distributed to eligible participants approximately eight weeks after the webinar via email.
This program is appropriate for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
New York licensed attorneys admitted two years or less are not eligible to earn CLE credit through nontraditional formats.